The border-radius
property can take one, two, three
or four values.
If this property has a single value,
as seen in the previous lesson,
it applies to all four corners.
If this property has two values:
- The first value is for the top-left and right-bottom.
- The second value is for top-right and left-bottom
If this property has three values:
- The first value is for the top-left corner.
- The second value is for top-right and left-bottom.
- The third value is for the bottom-right corner.
If this property has four values:
- The first value is for the top-left corner.
- The second value is for the top-right corner.
- The third value is for the bottom-right corner.
- The fourth value is for the bottom-left corner.
Values get assigned in the clockwise direction starting from top-left.