By default, the 1rem unit inherits the value of the font-size property as defined in the code.
In cases where no font-size is explicitly defined, the browser resorts to its default value for the font size. While the default font size is commonly set to 16px in many modern browsers, it is important to note that this may vary depending on the browser and user settings.
In the provided code snippet, the font-size property is not explicitly defined. Therefore, the browser's default font-size is used, which may differ across browsers and devices.
The div element with the class blue-box has height and width set to 2rem, resulting in dimensions twice that of the browser's default font size.
If your browser's default font-size is 16px, then the height and width of the div element with the class blue-box will be the same as the div element with the class red-box, where the height and width are explicitly set to 32px.