The padStart()
method adds padding to a string
with another string until it reaches the required length.
It applies padding from the start of the string.
The method takes two arguments - finalLength
The first argument is the length of the resulting string
the second argument is the string used for padding.
In the example given above, we are padding
the string "Sam"
with the paddingString "*"
until the length of the string reaches
the value given by finalLength 10
In the example given above,
the value of finalLength 3
less than the length of the original string 6
Therefore, it returns the original string without padding.
In the example given above,
since the length of the paddingString "abcdefgh"
is greater than
the value of finalLength 5
it only pads using the
left-most part of the paddingString.
The rest of the paddingString is skipped.
In the example given above,
since we do not provide the paddingString argument,
it takes the default value " "