A coffee maker machine makes coffee.
A coffee maker machine itself
is not coffee.
However, a coffee maker machine
can produce a coffee.
Let's create a class named Coffeemaker
Now, we need to ask this Coffeemaker
class to produce a coffee.
In the last lesson, we saw
that we can make a car out
of a class using new
So, let's use new
here too
to make a coffee out of Coffeemaker
So far, we have built coffee
car out of their classes.
The things that a class
makes are called instances.
In this case, coffee1
is an instance of the
class Coffeemaker.
In the last lesson,
car1 was an instance of
class Carmaker.
Let's go over it again.
A class is something that
builds or makes something.
So far, we have seen two
classes - Carmaker and Coffeemaker.
The things that are built by these classes are called instances.
A car is an instance of
the class Carmaker.
A coffee is an instance of
the class Coffeemaker.
Classes and instances can still feel confusing.
That's why we will discuss them again in the next lesson.