The "==" operator is used
to check if two values
are equal.
It compares the values without
considering their data types.
Few examples:
On the other hand, the "==="
operator is primarily used in
case statements to perform
pattern matching.
It behaves differently based
on the class of the object
being compared.
Let's see a couple of examples:
In the first example, the "==="
operator is used with a range
object (1..5)
and checks if
the value 3 falls within that
range. Since it does, Boolean
is returned.
In the second example, the "==="
operator is used with a regular
expression /tar/
to match it
against the string "Guitar".
Since the string contains the
pattern defined by the regular
expression, it returns
Boolean true
In the third example, we are checking
if the value 4 is a part of Integers