First, let's get a hot coffee:
In the case provided above,
coffee1 is served hot.
Let's add a method so that we
could ask coffee if it is hot.
The method name will be is_it_hot?
Let's add this method.
We have defined the is_it_hot?
However, there is a problem.
Whether the coffee is
hot or not, this information
is in the method serve
In the method serve
, it is the
variable that
holds the information if
the coffee is hot or not.
The method is_it_hot?
can't access condition
variable because
variable condition
is in the
method serve
and only method
has access to that variable.
In order to make the variable
available to other methods,
we need to turn that
method into an instance variable.
In the next lesson, let's
see one more example of it.