This chapter combined with the
Configuring and connecting to a database chapter
will give you insights into how we can set up our Rails application to use
We had already installed Postgres in
Setting up PostgreSQL database chapter.
You don't need to make the following changes to the granite
application since
we have already done a lot using SQLite
All migrations shown in this chapter are only shown as an example. Do not make
these changes in the Granite application.
Update Gemfile to use PostgreSQL
We had already added the pg
gem for the production
environment, like this:
You can modify the Gemfile
entry for pg
and make it available for all
environments, like this:
Using UUID as primary key
UUIDs are a popular alternative to auto-incremental integer primary keys. Using
UUIDs as the id in your Rails models instead of incrementing integers helps you
avoid collisions. The UUIDs are globally unique, meaning you can know that
different models cannot possibly have the same id.
With an incrementing integer id the size of your data can be inferred from the
outside i.e. id 5 is the fifth record created. With UUIDs no-one can guess the
size of your database tables, which might be information you are keen to keep
secret. You can get round this by generating ‘public ids’ or ‘slugs’ for exposed
URLs… but then, why not use a built-in tool?
Ruby on Rails has had the ability to use UUIDs as the id for Active Record
models since version 5.0.
For PostgreSQL >= 9.4
, Active Record will now use pgcrypto’s gen_random_uuid
function whereas previously uuid-ossp's uuid_generate_v4
function was used.
However, we can not use the gen_random_uuid
function directly. It will give an
error mentioning "function gen_random_uuid() does not exist". We first need to
enable the pgcrypto
extension for the database.
Follow the next steps to enable the pgcrypto
extension and add UUID primary
keys to your Rails application.
Add a migration
First you need to enable the PostgreSQL pgcrypto extension
in a migration.
Lets start by creating a blank migration:
Then change the file to enable the extension. It should look something like
Change the primary default type
When you generate models Active Record will use Integer
as the type for id by
default. From Rails 5 you can change this behaviour by adding the following to
your config/application.rb
This changes the default column type for primary keys, configuring your
migration generator to set id: :uuid
for new tables.
When you run rails generate model post title:string
your migration file will
look something like this:
Using citext
Text fields in Postgres are case-sensitive. We may encounter problems when we
use text fields to store E-Mails, as and will not be considered the same.
The best way to get around this is to define the email
field with citext
type, which is available in the
citext module.
If you want to change an existing column to be of type citext
, here is an
example Rails migration to achieve this:
Also, you can add an index to this column:
One more key step required in transitioning to PostgreSQL
is to setup the
database configuration as mentioned in the chapter named
"Configuring and connecting to a database".
We at BigBinary use the devise
gem in most of our projects. The
devise gem is a very popular
authentication gem in the Rails community.
The devise
gem automatically lowercases the email field before storing it in
the database. Thus we won't have to add citext
into our Gemfile if using
PostgreSQL database directory
The database configuration file is in config/database.yml
. The PostgreSQL
database itself however resides in a central location on your local machine.
Rails uses the information present in the config/database.yml
file to connect
to the database. Once the connection is established, your data is stored in the
PostgreSQL database outside of your application.
To find the database directory, open the psql
terminal and enter the following
You can also open the application on your Mac then, click on
Server settings
, and a dialog box will be opened, containing a bunch of
information along with the path to the data directory.
There is nothing to commit in this chapter since we do not intend to use
in our granite
application across all environments.