Using React.js over Rails view was a hard decision for us here at BigBinary.
BigBinary is a Ruby on Rails consulting company, and we
have been using Ruby on Rails for more than thirteen years.
Over the years we have seen the shift that more and more of our clients are
asking for React.js to be the view layer of their applications instead of Rails
Today, more than 90% of the applications that we are building for our clients
use React.js. Therefore, we can't claim that this book is well maintained unless
we include lessons on integrating React to Rails application.
So, from hereon, we will be using React.js to write
frontend code. If you are a beginner to React and JavaScript, you can use the
materials mentioned in the below section to learn the fundamentals. We won't
recommend going into depth about React.js, given that this book is more oriented
towards Ruby on Rails.
Free materials to learn JavaScript
Free materials to learn React.js
Teaching React.js is beyond the scope of this book. Here are some free materials
to learn React.js.
Free Materials to learn React hooks
Free materials to learn Formik
We won't be using Formik in this application but it is a good tool to build
forms in React. We definitely use Formik in our neeto products.
Free material to learn how to use Chrome dev tools
There is nothing to be committed in this chapter.